Friday, February 6, 2015

Game Genres, Platforms, and Markets

There are numbers of video game genres. Game genres defines the game's gameplay or how the game is going to be played as. Games most likely can have more than 1 genre like the video game Destiny which is FPS/MMORPG.

 FPS is first-person shooter where the gameplay would involve playing as a character from the first-person perspective and basically involving shooting. MMORPG is a "massively multiplayer online role playing game" genre in which it involves an interaction of playing with a huge community of other players online. Other game genres are:
  • Action
  • Stratefy
  • FPS
  • Sandbox
  • Platformer
  • Simulation
  • Racing
  • RPG
  • Puzzle
  • Sports
  • Beat em Up
  • Strategy
  • Adventure
  • Hack and Slash
Image result for minecraft  Image result for cod advanced warfare Image result for super mario Image result for street fighter Image result for final fantasy 13 Image result for pokemon x and y
To play a game you need a platform to play it on. There are many platforms that you could play games on but each platform can have specific exclusive games that are only playable on a certain platform. Some platforms include:
  • PC
  • Xbox
  • PS
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Ouya
  • Wii U
  • DS
  • PS Vita
  • Shield
  • Occulus Rift
Image result for xbox one Image result for ps4 Image result for wii u

Image result for oculus rift Image result for android Image result for apple

Now in order to get your hand on a video game, you have to find a place that sells it. There are many stores that you can buy video games, consoles, and accessories from. You can also order and buy it online too. Markets that sells video games includes:
  • Retail Stores (WalMart, BestBuy, Target..etc)
  • Gamestop
  • PSN
  • Amazon
  • Steam
  • Google Play Store
  • App Store
  • Kongegate
  • E-Store
  • Origins
Image result for gamestop logo Image result for steam logo Image result for amazon logo

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