Tuesday, March 10, 2015

History of Video Games

In class today, I learned lots about the history of video games based on the documentary Video Games: The Movie.

I thought that this documentary was interesting and i decided to watch it again on Netflix. Video Games The Movie looks into the history of video games from the latest gen systems all the way back to the first video game made on a computer screen. Games were at first, based on a simple design such as the first pong game. The moment games like these first came out and was available to play, many people became interested in it. Developers noticed that in order to change things around and turn it up a notch, they decided to upgrade to having better graphics.

Games were at first available to be played at arcades. People would go to different arcades to spend countless hours just playing many different arcade games. After awhile, things changed up a bit the moment that consoles were made for the players to have at home to play games.

Games now became to be developed as an 8-bit game. Nintendo was the head of releasing games that were made as 8-bit and consoles that ran an 8-bit processor. Games such as Mario were a huge hit within the franchise.

Later on, consoles were made with a 16-bit processor. With this, graphics began to look much better and it would allow the users to do more things than with a console with an 8-bit processor. Graphically, games began to look much realistic instead of having simple colors due to the number of pixels that could be used to compose an image.

Years, later consoles began running 32 and 64 bit processor. Their became a new transition from the way consumers can get video games, Instead of having cartridge, CDs were made for newer consoles since these consoles and games were now able to store more due to an increase in memory. For handhelds systems, cartridge later evolved into chips. Graphics and game play performance were now advancing as 3D modeling and animation became a huge hit.

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