Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My 8 Week Experience in CSG-110

Throughout the first 8 weeks of while I was in CSG-110, it was a new, interesting experience. I learned a lot for the first 8 weeks and not only that, this class became the first time that I had to work with a team to design/develop a game.

There was a rating where I had to give myself which one of the following:

5 - Epic
4 - Awesome
3 - Meh
2 - Teh Suck
1 - Crit Fail

Even though my team give me a 4, I'm the type of person who would rate myself pretty harshly so I decided to rate myself a 3. I missed the first 2-3 weeks of class and the moment I arrived, I felt behind due to the 2-3 classes I missed. I managed to pick myself up and understood the concept of the class quickly. 

The one thing that I need to improve is communicating more than I'm currently communicating with my team. I'm capable of contributing ideas and concepts for my team, but when it comes to outside meetings like Skype, I tend to not be sociable. Maybe because of how there are times where if a question is asked on Skype, it would end up being ignored. 

I've helped out with the first powerpoint by researching information on the business model and connecting it to our business model canvas before it was later on revised and finalized. 

My other strength is that if I was given a task to do, I would definitely finish the task or if its a task to research something, I can find good intel on it. 

Even with my contributions, I feel that since my emphasis is programming, at this stage now, I'm not able to contribute to a major part of the programming aspect of our game. The reason why is because I haven't programmed for over 2 years. The concept and logic of programming is familiar to me but when it comes to the actual coding, I need to refresh my mind and start familiarizing myself with it. 

I've programmed games before back in high school for 2-3 years. I remember my first game was a simple tic-tac-toe game. I then programmed the game Othello, checkers, Scrabble, and then Asteroids.

Image result for othello game                                    Image result for scrabble game

If I knew how to/remember to actually code right before coming to this class, I feel like I would've had this skill to contribute more to programming the game. Right now, I'm currently spending my free time relearning and familiarizing myself with programming Java.

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